Astrology Service
Get the Best Solution for Child Birth Issue
Do you and your spouse feel incomplete after years of marriage? Are you planning to seek happiness from parenthood and are looking forward for that little bundle of joy? Approach our proficient team of astrologers to get astrological advice and remedies to fulfill your desire of having a child.
Get all answers for your questions by opting for child birth astrology prediction by consulting our expert astrologers. They will guide you with proper advice and remedial solutions from the perspective of astrology after carefully reading and analyzing your horoscope. You can then implement suggested remedies and can be ready to enjoy the bliss of parenthood.
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Know the Reason behind Child Birth Issue in Astrology
Giving birth to a new born baby and bringing a new life into the world is a dream of several wedded couples. But occasionally due to ill placement of globes in a person’s horoscope, it happens that they aren't lucky enough to enjoy the bliss of parenting. They face different problems like conceiving, confinement and other similar problems pertaining to gestation. Divination has answer to every problem be it gestation affiliated issues or some other problem.
The reason behind parturition issues can be due to wrong alignment of globes and nakshatras in your horoscope. Thus, transition, placement or movement of globes in a horoscope can have different impact on an existent’s life like conceiving, health of baby and mama at the time of gestation. To resolve parturition problems, it's suggested to calculate on our astrologers, who are certified, endured and expert at working any issue with the help of astrological advice and guidance.
To know the problem behind child birth problems, you can give your birth details to our prophesier. Our prophesier will dissect and study horoscope of couple to give them with specific answers, reasons and the stylish results related to child birth problem. You'll know prospects of child get and will be guided to follow certain astrological results and remedies to overcome this problem.
How our divination services can help you? • Get proper guidance and suggestions • Suitable astrological remedies and results • Eligible time to come parents • Know child’s nature • Know child’s relationship with parents • Know positive and negative goods of get
Get Expert Advice from Our Astrologers It has been observed that couples frequently face the problem of child birth or child birth detention. Our astrological services can help childless couples to enjoy the bliss of parenting by furnishing them with the stylish suitable astrological remedies. Converse with our prophesier or talk to our prophesier directly to get dependable and secure results that can help you drink new born child in your life.
Being a mama is the God’s precious gift which every woman dreams of. Keeping in view our Indian society, it has been observed that a woman frequently has to face pressure from in- laws side, which can affect her internal and physical health. Childlessness can come a medium of internal trauma for women, who's dealing with child birth issue from a long time. Thus, similar women can calculate on astrologers from Sai Gems, who'll help them overcome this problem by furnishing suitable result and remedies for it.
There are several problems which crop up by childlessness like absence of fertility, confinement or loss of child at a tender age or child born with certain blights. Whatever the reason be, our divination services will help the couple find the exact reason behind the child birth detention from the standpoint of divination.
Divination Reasons for Child Birth Problems Still, also it can be the major reason behind child birth detention problem, If the 5th house in your horoscope is tormented. The 9th house in a man’s horoscope indicates the capability to have child in his life. Still, Jupiter is the Putrakaraka earth which when tormented can produce issues in child birth. With the help of divination, our astrologers try to find out the fertility and gravidity capability of the couple by studying their horoscope and assaying the 7th house of their birth maps.
The Jupiter earth holds great significance among other globes in the divination. It's important to study this earth to understand the chances of get product and for it an in- depth analysis is carried out. This analysis includes a thorough study of the weakness and strengths of the 5th and 9th Bhavas and their lords. Studying these bhavas and their lords helps to find out the stylish suitable remedies and results for parturition in divination.
Besides Jupiter earth and 5th house in a birth map, the Saptamamsha horoscope is also taken into consideration. It helps the prophesier to know the reason behind the child birth detention in a couple’s horoscope. The 5th house in a birth map indicates all the good deeds or Punyas done in the history. Either, it also indicates the fruits of once deeds or conduct. For healthy children, divination prognostications suggest that it can be by good once deeds or conduct.
Come to us and get your horoscope anatomized and studied by our astrologers to get the stylish child birth remedies for the couple.

Frequently Asked Questions
The reason behind causing delay in child birth can be due to malefic effect of planets. Mainly due to Mars, 5th house, some doshas or unfavourable planets. To know the reason behind the child birth delay in your case, it is suggested to consult our expert astrologer, who will analyze your horoscope and accordingly guide you. This will help you to get the best advice from them and enjoy the bliss of being parents.